Classement : 20 / 516

12 vidéos sélectionnées

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    Restorative Justice : Victim-Offender Encounters in France - INAVEM / IFJR


    Restorative Justice offers to victims and offenders an opportunity to grasp and discuss together the impact of a crime (at personal, family, community and wider social levels). Restorative Justice’s purpose is to give the opportunity to all (victim and offender) to take an active part in research and implementation of solutions that enable them to go on with their lives (empowerment).

    By a dialog between the offender(s) and victim(s) in which civil society takes share, restorative justice...

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    1983 : 1er rassemblement des Associations d'aide aux victimes autour de R. Badinter


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    Thèmes liés : association d aide aux victimes

11 - 12 de 12  Vidéos

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